Personal Information Protection Policy
1.Basic PolicyThe Japan Economic Foundation (hereinafter JEF, a general incorporated foundation) is keenly aware of the importance of personal information and handles such information appropriately throughout its activities. Namely JEF complies with all laws and ordinances pertaining to personal information and advances the following measures to sustain proper management and improvement of its personal information protection system.
2.Compliance with Laws and OrdinancesIn the handling of personal information, JEF complies with all laws and ordinances applied for protection of the personal information in question.
3.Acquisition of Personal InformationJEF shall acquire personal information through fair and lawful means.
4.Use and Supply of Personal Information to Third PartiesWith the exception of instances pursuant to laws and ordinances, or in cases based upon the consent of the person in question, JEF shall independently uses the personal information in its possession within the extent of JEF's use objectives (handling of requests to participate in events held by JEF, etc.), and shall not provide such information to third parties.
5.Outsourcing of Personal Information HandlingWithin the extent of its use objectives, there may be cases when JEF chooses to outsource all or part of its handling of personal information to a third party. In such instances, JEF shall demand proper management of personal information equivalent to the JEF's own procedures, while entering into an agreement pertaining to the handling of personal information on the condition of possessing proper personal information handling abilities.
6.Appropriate Management of InformationIn order to handle personal information in a secure and appropriate manner, security measures shall be devised for the sake of preventing unauthorized access to personal information, divulgation, loss, etc. of personal information, thereby striving to guarantee secure conditions in the handling of personal information.
7.InquiriesAll inquiries should be directed to the General Affairs Division of JEF.