Japan Economic Foundation launched the JOURNAL OF JAPANESE TRADE & INDUSTRY in January 1982 to help bridge the information gap between Japan and the rest of the world. This bimonthly publication was the source of in-depth, analytical, historical and cultural information on Japan's trade, business, economic issues, current topics, legislation, politics. It combined official views of Japan with a wealth of features by distinguished writers from Japan and around the world.
In January 2014, the Journal was renamed ECONOMY, CULTURE & HISTORY Japan SPOTLIGHT Bimonthly, and has become an English E-Journal on our website since May 2011.Our website has been renewed in October 2017.
Japan SPOTLIGHT is our bimonthly E-Journal, published on the 10th of every odd month.
History of Japan SPOTLIGHT
January 1982: January/February 1982 issue (Vol. 1)
First issue of the JOURNAL OF JAPANESE TRADE & INDUSTRY is published, subscribed by public organizations, universities, libraries, chambers of commerce, and opinion leaders from various circles.
(Printed journal with a charge for subscription).
January 2004: January/February 2014 issue (Vol. 133)
It is renamed as the current ECONOMY, CULTURE & HISTORY Japan SPOTLIGHT Bimonthly with a new layout and cover design.
(Printed journal with a charge for subscription)
May 2011: May/June 2011 issue (Vol. 177)
Our printed journal became an E-Journal, published on our website, in consideration of the importance of Internet usage.
(E-Journal with a charge for subscription).
March 2016: March/April 2016 issue (Vol. 206)
Our E-Journal became available for free on our website, in the hope of providing more readers with our information.
(E-Journal, free for the latest issue & with a charge for annual subscription for back numbers)
January 2017: January/February 2017 issue (Vol. 211)
All our E-Journals, both the latest issue and back numbers, can be accessed freely on our website. With this, we hope that many people who have never read our E-Journal will be encouraged to do so.
(E-Journal for free)
Japan SPOTLIGHT website: www.jef.or.jp/journal/
Editorial Section email: japanspotilght@jef.or.jp
Published by Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
All rights reserved. Copyright @1982 Japan Economic Foundation
Materials may not be reproduced without written permission.
The opinions expressed in the articles published in Japan SPOTLIGHT are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Japan Economic Foundation.