Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Date Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Venue Washington D.C., USA
Offices of Dewey & LeBoeuf, Conference Center, Ground Floor (1101 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20005-4213)
Sponsors Japan Economic Foundation (JEF)
Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP
Topics The U.S.-Japan Relationship
New Challenges, New Opportunities for New Administrations
A Vision for the U.S.-Japan Relationship: Partnership for Leadership
Session I: Political Relationship between Japan and U.S.
Session II: Economic Relationship between Japan and the U.S.
Session III: Paths Forward - Conclusions and Action Agenda
Chairman's Speech  

ParticipantsTuesday, December 9, 2008List

SummaryJoint Action Agenda (English)Joing Action Agenda (Japanese)

2017. JULY 2016. JUNE 2015. SEPTEMBER 2014. DECEMBER 2013. OCTOBER 2013. FEBRUARY 2011. NOVEMBER 2010. OCTOBER 2010. JANUARY 2008. DECEMBER 2007. NOVEMBER 2006. OCTOBER 2006. JULY 2005. SEPTEMBER 2004. MAY 2003. OCTOBER